400 km weather
Site fees: R10
p/day only payable if you actually fly. Winch cards R100 = 5
tows. R30 p/day for own winch, also only if runways are used i.e. flyable.
Releases available R130 ea. Limited Accommodation available at Potties R130
p/person B&B. Recovery R1.40 p/driven km or alternative arrangements can be
made i.e your vehicle & daily hire of a driver.
Normal site rules & SAHPA regulations apply
Sample 250km flight from John Broderick , 20 October 2005, IGC KML KMZ
+200km flown from November 2004 until Feb 2005.
+100km flown in Sept, Oct, Nov, plenty in Dec, twice in Jan, 'Feb was possible
but nobody attempted', March again in the comp & then it was again possible
now in April but no attempts. We flew here last year from May, I would say May,
June & July supplies nice big calm thermals but not often enough for 100
km, August is too strong & then the season starts again from mid Sept.
from the
17.11.03 to the 29.12.03
total distance 2060km
South Africans 1023km
Foreigners 1037km
from the 02.01.04 to the 20.12.04
total distance 2150km
South Africans 1532km
Foreigners 618km
from the 04.01.05 to the 27.04.05
total distance 8089km
South Africans 3742km
Foreigners 4347km
Total distance from the 17.11.03 to the 29.12.03 in De Aar 12299km
South Africans 6297km
Foreigners 6002km
flights over 50km = 61
flights over 100km = 30
flights over 150km = 10
flights over 200km = 10
flights over 250km = 2
View from airfield towards the mountain
Winch from airfield. Or fly from a mountain.
Turnpoints used for SAN Comp in CSV KML KMZ
Glider will get dusty
And landings will be in thornbushes
and fynbos
Carry some garden gloves to get your lines out of the thorny stuff.
Pottie B&B 30 Hoop Street, De Aar, S30 38.745 E 024
+27 (0) 53 631 1555
+27 (0) 82 340 0477
- Pringles , spare ribs or big steaks
- Upstairs , for pasta or pizza
- Essence , for breakfast or some other nice food in the evening
- Sports club, squash, tennis,
- Golf course
Potties can arrange
- Game drives,
Like 1 hour drive to Rolfontein
at Van
der Kloof Dam
Or drive towards Colesberg and visit the Hippos
- visit to the Weather station,
- Hunting trips,
- view Bushman paintings
- Kite buggies
- visit Military Museum
- Ostrich farm with baby ostriches
- absailing
- paintball war games
- Deli B Well , traditional goats cheese and other herbal goodies
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 8:08 PM
Subject: [GautengPG] flying promotion...
Today I played a part in our 10yrs of Democracy celebrations. Like all over
the country, celebrations where taking place. Here in De Aar a day filled of
fun was arranged for the locals, we where asked last week..what the chances
would be to fly over the stadium as part of the activities arranged, we
answered we could only do what the weather would allow & did not think that
we would be able to do anything BUT then. I launched at 12h45, Arnold
managed to pull me to 1450 ASL (thats about 250m above the airfield). I was
in a thermal while on tow but decided to stay on line till the end of the
runway. I unclipped & for the first few seconds was in some serious sink.
Arnold came over the radio.."stop worrying over the damn stadium look for
thermal & enjoy your flight". Well thats what I did, just after
instruction my vario started to beep. I begin a gentle climb about 2m/s, the
drift was sort of towards the stadium, had to fly alittle cross wind. I got
to the stadium, there was hundreds of people below me, all looking up
singing & dancing. Someone came over the intercom & announced my
Arnold came back over the radio.."Des, its too soon, you cant land at the
stadium, they asked us not to land before 2h00" , I thought well thats it
then, atleast I managed to fly over & do something for the locals, then my
vario beeped again, I had flown into yet another thermal this time a little
wider & slighlty stonger. I managed to fly around overhead for a half n
before I began my decent. However the amount of people in the stadium had
grown, the kids had seen me & run in to enjoy my arrival. I came in between
stadium lights, banners & tents with people running in all directions to
give me space to land. My feet barely touched down & I was surrounded. I
forced to dance & sing while still rigged in my glider. The expresions on
the faces was unbelievable, the welcome was so static & electric I cannot
begin to describe...never once got a welcome like this coming into Goal. The
police & helpers quickly surrounded me & help escourt me to Arnold who
pulled in to the arena with our bakkie. I jumped on the back & he began to
drive out while hundreds of kids ran next to us, some showing thumbs up &
other raising their hands to get a 'high five' as we departed. As we drove
away another car overtook us & shouted out the window.. Viva our white
WOW for a moment I felt like a celeb...a little promotion for our sport
Des & Arnold
Potties B & B
30 Hoop Str.
De Aar 7000
South Africa
Tel/Fax: +27 (53) 631-1555
Cel: +27 (84) 690-1804 Des
Cel: +27 (82) 340-0477 Arnold
Synoptic chart 31 January 2005 when a Sport 1 ( DHV1-2) flew 272km in 5.5 hours.
Notice the trough axis just below De Aar. See Magic of the trough line why
Netfor shows the trough line in the Graphical Representation shows also the trough line as the wind curls around De Aar area
Comment by Arnold on the above weather forecast ...
what they show on the weather is not correct
i see on the uct wind prediction they show se winds but we are having and
have had all day wnw at about 20km/h with beautifull cumins
as for net fore he is showing thundershower posipility which has not happend
either he also has the through line wrong uct has the more or less correct
position for the through running a littel north form de aar we could see
this from the airfield.
i have been watching the through line very carfully in the last couple of
weeks and have found in order for us to fly the best xc we need the line to
be north of us should be round about gariep dam area but but not closer
otherwise we over development once we get over the mountain range e to ne of
we have also found that it is very important to watch your timing when we
fly200+ in a se to e direction if you arive there to late say after 18:00
houres you can excpect a very strong se wind blowing up to 50km/h we thing
meight be the seabreeze coming in but can not explain how this can come so
far inland with such strenght and the time this arrives varies with wind
strenght and cloud base we have here eg. light winds with low cloudbase wind
comes later.