Dan Giovante, 083 3060496, has developed a takeoff in the Hanglip area behind
Louis Trichardt / Makhado Soutpansberg range.
Take Off 1609m ASL facing S, takes SE-S-SW
Landing in Clouds End cricket field, 1053m ASL.
Ceiling is limited to 3600m amsl, turn around time is about 15 minutes from the landing area at the hotel to take off
JRoad up is paved most of the way and landing area is nice and big.
Hanglip Launch - 45 meters x 30 meters wide ( take off @1610 m amsl)
S 22 59 42.3
E 29 54 04.1
Main Landing Zone Cloud End Hotel ( 1060 m amsl)
S 23 00 31.6
E 29 55 39.4
Mid Landing (between launch and hotel landing zone) area is 200 meters x 80 meters wide.(1200 m amsl)
S 23 00 25.7
E 29 54 49.8
Prevailing wind direction is east/south east 95% of the time, when the weather is flyable, usually when it is not flyable the wind direction is from the north (rain, too windy etc)
Spot graph Link