Rock circles and graves along the hills.
More info see
...Yes, that is a
particularly rich area you are wandering in. Looks fantastic on Google
earth and I can't wait to do a ground survey there one of these days. I
attach two kmz files that show most of the ruins in that survey zone,
which we call Pam 3.
It is a bit difficult to assign ethnic labels to architectural styles,
but from what I can see, you have a fair mix of different styles. There
are a few simple circles (fried eggs) that are sometimes referred to as
Group 1 or Type N, and these are thought to be the oldest, dating to
around the 15th and 16th centuries. Some people think they originate
from further south in the Free State and were built by Sotho speakers. I
can also see some more complex architectural styles and agglomerations
of ruins, which are usually thought to date to the 17th and 18th
centuries. These may also be from Sotho-speakers, or from
Tswana-speakers, or from a Sotho-Tswana mixed group. Of course San (or
Bushmen) groups would have been mixed into these populations.
Pam 3 sites Google Earth
Pam 3 polygon Google Earth
pdf documents provided by Prof Karim Sadr