How to create a SAHPA Computer based Test



Create a random based test

  choose the xml test collection

  Decide how many questions from each of the subjects

  Decide if it is a Basic or Sport rating test

 Click the Auto Create button

   Locate the generated zip file

    Attach this file to an email that gets sent to whoever will supervise and convene the test

 Create a hand picked test

This could be used to verify new additions to the test. Adding new questions and answers requires to verify them in the end user test to see how they will look like. In case the text is too long or the pictures do not come out as expected.

Choose the xml test collection

 Click on the Hand Pick a Test

 Choose any of the topics/subjects frames

  A new window pops up with the list of questions

  Select any of the questions, they get added into the main window list

  Once finished click on the Finalize button

 Locate the test zip file and run the test and verify it is is usable.