A001 | 1 | A | S |
Flying close to ceiling from the Dam towards Macro. About 600m higher and 1 km in front of you a Boeing has crossed your flight path a while ago and you can see it dropping down for its final glide to JHB International. Suddenly the air becomes turbulent and as you look up you see your canopy concertina into a small bundle and then drop below you. While you tumble out of the sky, you know you got plenty of height and no need to throw the reserve immediately. For a few seconds you watch your altimeter and grab your carabiners to see if this mess sorts out itself. After a few blurry moments the world returns back to normal. Now, what hit you? | |||
1 | Vortex | ||
-1 | Whirly | ||
-1 | Inversion | ||
-1 | Windshear | || |
A002 | 2 | A | B |
A preflight check consists of | |||
1 | Helmet on | ||
1 | Speedbar connected | ||
1 | Harness Straps clipped in | ||
1 | Lines clear | ||
1 | Airspace clear | ||
1 | Conditions ok | ||
1 | Layout ok |
A003 | 1 | A | B |
You are sinking out, very low and there is a whirly close by | |||
-1 | You head for it. Whirly are good thermals and you will get up in it | ||
1 | You get away from it and stay well clear of it | ||
-1 | You ignore it. They do not matter for Hang Gliding and Paragliding | ||
1 | You get out of your seat, ready for a PLF and reserve deployment |
A004 | 1 | A | S |
How do you recognize a Parachutal stall and what do you do | |||
1 | No forward speed | ||
1 | No wind in your face | ||
1 | Toggle pressure feels weird | ||
-1 | Glider is all over the show | ||
-1 | One side of the wing is flying forwards , the other half of the wing is flying backwards | ||
-1 | Pull toggles full down to get glider flying again | ||
1 | Do not apply any brakes | ||
1 | Use Speedbar, or release trims, or push on A's to get the leading edge to accelerate |
A005 | 1 | A | B |
A Paraglider gets ... | |||
1 | launched into wind | ||
-1 | launched with the wind blowing from behind to help accelerate the canopy | ||
1 | laid out with the leading edge facing away from the pilot | ||
-1 | with the trailing edge facing away from the pilot |
A006 | 1 | A | B |
What can happen if you fly slowly and pull one brake 80% or more? | |||
1 | You can go into a negative spin. Hands up | ||
-1 | You can enter a positive spin. Hands up | ||
-1 | Nothing, Paragliders are designed to be foolproof. No action required | ||
-1 | You will turn much better in weak lift | ||
-1 | You go into a locked spiral |
A007 | 1 | A | S |
Ridge soaring a cliff at the sea. The tide has come in and swallowed up the beach. And now you are sinking out | |||
1 | You fly out to sea, past the surf | ||
-1 | You land in the breakers on the beach to wade out towards the cliff face | ||
-1 | You fly into the cliff face and hang on to the rocks | ||
1 | Undo your buckles, unclip, if possible get clear of your harness before hitting the water |
A008 | 1 | A | S |
You have to land inlands in a lake | |||
![]() |
1 | Land close to shore | ||
1 | Unclip as much as possible, get out of the harness before hitting the water | ||
-1 | Stay in your harness, it will keep you afloat | ||
-1 | Throw your reserve, it will act as a sail and blow you over the water out of harm |
A009 | 1 | A | S |
You have to land in a mountain stream | |||
1 | Don't, the current will drag your canopy | ||
-1 | No problem, mountain streams are shallow , land like normal | ||
1 | Make sure the canopy does not fall into the stream | ||
-1 | Land downhill to make sure the canopy falls in front of you with the current |
A010 | 1 | A | S |
As you get in a thermal closer to a cloud the lift increases | |||
-1 | This is normal, it will stop at cloudbase | ||
1 | Possible cloudsuck, leave the thermal | ||
1 | Be prepared to apply tucked ears and speedbar to avoid getting sucked into the cloud | ||
-1 | Your lucky day, stay in it and climb as high as possible |
A011 | 1 | A | B |
What is rotor? | |||
1 | An eddy of air on the lee side of a mountain or below a wave which can be dangerous to fly in | ||
-1 | The beginning of a thermal as it lifts of the ground | ||
-1 | A very high lens like cloud | ||
-1 | A device to measure the wind speed |
A012 | 1 | A | B |
During landing in strong wind with the brakes released, the wing descends vertically towards the middle of the landing area. What happens if the pilot pulls big ears | |||
1 | The wing will penetrate less and fly backwards | ||
-1 | The wing will fly faster | ||
-1 | The descend rate will decrease and the landing will be softer | ||
-1 | The wing will be less stable and collapse easier |
A013 | 1 | A | B |
How does your airspeed change when you encounter a gust of wind head on ? | |||
1 | The airspeed increases while your ground speed drops | ||
-1 | The airspeed drops and the ground speed increases | ||
-1 | The airspeed increases and the ground speed increases | ||
-1 | The airspeed drops and the ground speed drops |
A014 | 1 | A | S |
What might you find on the leeward side of a thermal or a hill | |||
1 | Turbulence or rotor | ||
-1 | The lift band | ||
-1 | Compression zone with penetration problem | ||
-1 | smoother lift than on the luv side |
A015 | 1 | A | S |
Leaving a thermal | |||
1 | Your angle of attack becomes less | ||
1 | Your canopy is more prone to a collapse | ||
-1 | Your angle of attack increases | ||
-1 | Your canopy will slow down, apply speedbar to avoid a stall |
A016 | 1 | A | S |
Entering a thermal | |||
1 | Your angle of attack increases | ||
-1 | Your angle of attack decreases | ||
1 | Your canopy might slow down and you have to speed it up to avoid a stall | ||
-1 | Your canopy speed increases |
A017 | 1 | A | S |
What is your optimum take off speed? | |||
1 | The speed of maximum glide ratio | ||
-1 | Minimum sink speed | ||
-1 | Minimum Speed | ||
-1 | Trim Speed | ||
-1 | Maximum Speed |
A018 | 1 | A | B |
While ridge soaring one flies | |||
1 | at minimum sink | ||
-1 | at best glide | ||
-1 | at minimum speed | ||
-1 | at maximum speed |
A019 | 1 | A | B |
You lost one of your toggles, either the line broke, or it is wrapped around the risers,.. | |||
1 | You switch over to steer using the backriser | ||
-1 | You throw your reserve since you can not steer the canopy anymore | ||
-1 | You unclip and climb up in your harness to fix the mess | ||
-1 | You apply speedbar to stabilize the canopy |
A020 | 1 | A | B |
Pulling in the outermost A lines on both sides | |||
1 | Is called big ears | ||
1 | Can be used to increase the sink rate of a glider | ||
-1 | can be used to initiate a B-Line stall | ||
-1 | can result in a spiral |
A021 | 1 | A | S |
If you let out a B-Line stall uneven, not symmetric | |||
-1 | No problem, B-Line gives a very stable wing | ||
1 | you can get an asymmetric and cravat, spiraling uncontrolled out of the sky | ||
-1 | your canopy will fall behind you | ||
-1 | your lines can break due to the sudden load increase |
A022 | 1 | A | B |
When is it safe to fly over a mountain into the lee side? | |||
1 | If one is at least the height of the mountain above it | ||
1 | When you are in a thermal drifting over the back with it | ||
-1 | When you can see lentis developing behind it | ||
-1 | When the wind speed exceeds the trim speed of your glider you can safely go over the back |
A023 | 1 | A | B |
At which end of the speed range does minimum sink occur? | |||
1 | at the slower end of the speed range | ||
-1 | at best glide, where the tangent to the polare has the minimum angle | ||
-1 | at trim speed, when no accelerator is applied | ||
-1 | at the maximum speed, since the lift formula says that lift is determined by the square of speed | ||
-1 | when the glider is in full stall |
A024 | 1 | A | B |
A thunderstorm is developing above you. You experience cloudsuck and cannot loose altitude with different quick descent maneuvers | |||
1 | Fly cross wind | ||
-1 | Fly downwind | ||
-1 | Fly upwind | ||
-1 | Throw your reserve |
A025 | 1 | A | B |
When you apply your toggles past the maximum brake you get | |||
1 | A stall, the canopy will fall behind you and you fall out of the sky | ||
-1 | A stall, the canopy will shoot in front of you and you will fall into the canopy | ||
-1 | A stall, the canopy will settle above your head and you will sink gently down | ||
-1 | A stall, the canopy will fly at minimum sink |
A026 | 1 | A | S |
With everything else staying the same, how will the glide ratio change if a 100 kg pilot dumps his water ballast of 10 kg? | |||
1 | The glide ratio will stay the same | ||
-1 | The glide ratio will improve by 10 percent | ||
-1 | The glide ratio will decrease by 10 percent | ||
-1 | The glide ratio will be 0.1 better | ||
-1 | The glide ratio will be 0.1 worse |
A027 | 1 | A | B |
As you fly very close to a cliff face your wing decides to turn into the rocks. Why? | |||
1 | Windgradient. The wind is slower closer to the rocks. Your outer wing gets lifted and the total lift vector is now getting you closer to the rocks | ||
-1 | Katabatic airflow. The rocks have cooled down, generating an airflow running down the cliff face | ||
-1 | You encountered a vortex of another glider which is now drifting you into the rocks | ||
-1 | The rocks gravitation field is taking over and getting too strong for the lift of your wing to counter |
A028 | 1 | A | S |
What can be the consequences of forgetting to fasten your chest strap? | |||
1 | Change in flight characteristics of the wing due to flattening of the profile | ||
1 | Psychological discomfort, not being safely strapped in | ||
1 | Physical discomfort due to abnormal position of straps and risers | ||
1 | Lack of response in roll axis | ||
-1 | Your canopy will not launch | ||
-1 | Your harness will slide up to your nose |
A029 | 1 | A | B |
You forgot your leg straps, took off and now you are airborne | |||
1 | Grab your carabiners, swing up your legs above you and hook your feet into the risers. Hanging upside down, slide back into the harness. Then close the leg straps | ||
-1 | Throw your reserve | ||
-1 | Hang on to the toggles | ||
-1 | Hang on to the speed bar |
A030 | 1 | A | B |
You decide to use Big Ears to land in a small field surrounded by high trees | |||
1 | Keep the Big Ears in until flare. Otherwise the wind gradient might induce a parachutal stall | ||
-1 | Apply brake when you get to tree top height and pump out the big ears | ||
-1 | Once a tree top height add B-line stall to it and PLF | ||
-1 | Do a C Line landing |
A031 | 1 | A | B |
You are clipped in and ready to takeoff. And a whirly comes through | |||
1 | You face your canopy, and get closer to it to fall on top of it, if necessary | ||
1 | You make sure you got your toggles and C risers in your hand so that you can control the canopy if necessary | ||
-1 | You pullup and launch, a whirly is a good thermal to get into | ||
-1 | You take your helmet off and put in on the canopy to have some extra weight on the wing |
A032 | 1 | A | B |
Why is it a good idea to first put a helmet on before getting into your harness and clipping in? | |||
1 | Sudden gusts and dust devils can pop up unexpected and pick up the pilot or drag him | ||
1 | While climbing into the harness a dusty might pick you up, and you end up hanging head down in the harness | ||
-1 | To protect my helmet from rolling down the hill | ||
-1 | To protect my helmet from getting scratched on the ground |
A033 | 1 | A | B |
What is a PLF? | |||
1 | Parachute Landing Fall | ||
1 | Knees bend at an angle, hands, elbows in front of your face, roll sideways over your back | ||
-1 | Parachute Licensed Factory | ||
-1 | Passive Launch Facility = same as a winch launch |
A034 | 1 | A | S |
You initiated a spiral. Now you want to get out and you release the inner brake. Nothing happens. In fact the spiral goes faster | |||
-1 | Bullshit, all gliders come out of spirals immediately | ||
1 | Looks like your are locked into a spiral, throw your reserve | ||
1 | If you got plenty of height, apply more brake on the outer side and see if you can stop it | ||
-1 | Do a full stall | ||
-1 | Do a B-Line instead | ||
DHV Magazine 119 and www.dhv.de |
A035 | 1 | A | B |
You got an Asymmetric | |||
1 | An Asymmetric is one side of the wing has a tuck | ||
-1 | An Asymetric is when the leading edge of your glider collapses | ||
-1 | You look up to your canopy to see what is wrong | ||
1 | You apply around 25% of brake on the side that is ok and keep the glider flying straight | ||
1 | Once you stopped the glider from turning, you pump out the deflated side | ||
-1 | You apply 50 percent brake | ||
1 | If you are close to the ground and the deflation is severe and violent, throw your reserve | ||
-1 | You let up from the brakes to get your wing flying again |
A036 | 1 | A | B |
what causes a spin | |||
1 | When one wing tip is stalled and the other is still flying, resulting in a rotatition | ||
1 | Applying too much brake on one side, like trying to thermal too tight | ||
-1 | When landing behind some obstacle in windshadow and the canopy suddenly surges forward | ||
-1 | When flying behind a tandem canopy and getting into the vortex of it |
A037 | 1 | A | S |
Tightening your chest strap too tight can result in | |||
1 | Uncomfortable flying, risers too close together in your line of vision | ||
1 | Increased risk of a twist | ||
-1 | Better body steering | ||
-1 | Better recovery from a collapse |
A038 | 1 | A | B |
Flying with an airspeed of 30 km/h into a 10km/h headwind | |||
1 | Your ground speed will be 20km/h | ||
-1 | Your ground speed will be 40km/h | ||
-1 | Your ground speed will be 30km/h | ||
-1 | Your ground speed does not depend on the wind. It is determined by your GPS |
A039 | 1 | A | B |
Why does one land into wind ? | |||
1 | To reduce the ground speed | ||
-1 | To reduce the airspeed | ||
-1 | To increase your airspeed | ||
-1 | To increase your ground speed |
A040 | 1 | A | B |
Why does one take off into wind? | |||
1 | To increase your airspeed | ||
-1 | To reduce your airspeed | ||
-1 | To increase your ground speed | ||
-1 | To increase the pressure in the trailing edge |
A041 | 1 | A | B |
Your canopies trim speed is 34 km/h. The wind speed is 36 km/h | |||
1 | Flying with the wind your ground speed will be 70 km/h | ||
1 | When trying to land into wind you will be going backwards | ||
1 | When landing into wind you will have penetration problems | ||
1 | When flying into wind your Ground Speed will be 2km/h backwards | ||
-1 | When flying into wind your Ground speed will be 2km/h forward | ||
-1 | When flying into wind your airspeed will be 70 km/h | ||
-1 | When flying with the wind your airspeed will be 70 km/h | ||
-1 | When flying with the wind your ground speed will be 36 km/h |
A042 | 1 | A | B |
What is wind gradient? | |||
1 | A change in wind speed and direction with altitude | ||
-1 | A change in temperature of the air with altitude | ||
-1 | A change in dew point with altitude | ||
1 | For example slowing down of wind speed as one comes closer to the ground |
A043 | 1 | A | B |
What effect does the wind gradient have on the trajectory of the wing when landing? | |||
1 | It produces a sinking effect on the trajectory | ||
1 | The decrease in headwind creates an increase in the speed of the wing | ||
-1 | The canopy will glide better, be prepared to overshoot | ||
-1 | The canopy will sink less and float longer due to the ground effect | ||
-1 | Apply full brakes to counter the surge and stop the increased sink |
A044 | 1 | A | B |
When do you consider doing a reverse launch ? | |||
1 | When the wind is strong enough | ||
-1 | When the wind is over the back | ||
-1 | When there is no wind | ||
-1 | When there is a weak breeze |
A045 | 1 | A | B |
A reverse launch | |||
1 | Enables you to see the canopy as you pull it up and control it better | ||
-1 | Requires the pilot to to run hard | ||
-1 | Can only be used at a cliff launch | ||
-1 | Can only be used when the wind is over the back |
A046 | 1 | A | S |
The B-Line maneuver is ... | |||
1 | Pulling down both B-risers symmetric | ||
1 | a quick descent method | ||
-1 | Pulling one B-riser down | ||
-1 | a method to change the shape of your wing to give better lift while slow flying |
A047 | 1 | A | S |
Flying cross wind in thermic conditions. First your wing has some minor tucks/collapses. Then the left side lifts up and your glider wants to turn to the right. Where is the thermal? | |||
1 | Most likely to the left | ||
-1 | Most likely behind you | ||
-1 | Most likely to the right | ||
-1 | Most likely still ahead of you | ||
-1 | No thermal close by, you are in rotor |
A048 | 1 | A | B |
Wind that has to blow through a narrow gulley or when the valley gets narrower | |||
1 | Will get stronger | ||
-1 | Will slow down | ||
-1 | Will cool down due to pressure changes | ||
-1 | Will warm up due to pressure changes |
A049 | 1 | A | B |
You are ridge soaring with the ridge to your right. Another glider flies straight at you | |||
1 | You do not change your trajectory, maintain your current flight path | ||
-1 | You turn to the left | ||
-1 | You turn to the right | ||
-1 | You make a hook turn |
A050 | 1 | A | S |
While flying low , something big picks you up, your vario screams, and then you go into free fall | |||
1 | You entered a very strong thermal and your wing stalled | ||
-1 | welcome to rotor | ||
-1 | your lines just broke | ||
-1 | you got an asymetric spin | ||
1 | Hold on to your carabs, be ready to throw your reserve |
A051 | 1 | A | S |
A Butterfly landing ... | |||
-1 | is an expression for a well executed smooth spotlanding where the pilot does not make a step | ||
1 | Is a method to land a Paraglider in a tight spot with pumping toggle movements | ||
-1 | Describes a landing where the pilot tumbles and gets dragged | ||
-1 | Describes a landing approach with lots of lift , having the pilot go all over the show |
A052 | 1 | A | B |
While ridge soaring in PE Maitlands, you gain height. And you got problems penetrating | |||
1 | ears tucked, speedbar, get forward and down and land at the beach | ||
-1 | Spiral down | ||
-1 | Fly over the back and land in the rotor | ||
-1 | Climb higher to get above the compression zone |
A053 | 1 | A | S |
PE, Maitlands, road takeoff. 40m high. The seagulls are soaring along the ridge | |||
1 | Looks promising, should be ok to fly a Paraglider | ||
-1 | Far too weak, seagulls can maintain much easier | ||
-1 | Far too strong. Fly another day | ||
-1 | Seagulls only fly in rotor, don't fly |
A054 | 1 | A | B |
As you walk towards takeoff you hat gets blown off your head | |||
1 | It's probably too strong | ||
-1 | Looks promising,let's layout | ||
-1 | Whirly's, no problem, they disappear in half an hour | ||
-1 | The rotor today is very close to the ridge, better layout right at the edge |
A055 | 1 | A | B |
Rotor... | |||
1 | can kill you | ||
1 | can be found behind obstacles, where the wind has to swirl around | ||
-1 | is one of the best methods to get up | ||
-1 | is found behind a wing going off the wing tips |
A056 | 1 | A | B |
Groundhandling a canopy without clipped in by holding it in your hands | |||
40 | Is not advisable on a ridge, a gust can lift you into the air. And you start flying down the hill, hanging on with your finger tips | ||
40 | Is not advisable on flat ground. A gust can pick you up on flat ground | ||
-1 | Is totally safe. Just let go when necessary | ||
30 | Has killed people |
A057 | 1 | A | B |
Tying a rope to a tree or at the tow bar of a car and the other end to yourself. And then do some kiting with your Paraglider | |||
1 | is the fastest way to become a vegetable or find out which religion got it right | ||
-1 | No problem, it is lots of fun | ||
-1 | As long you got a hook knife , no problem | ||
-1 | Just watch out for a lock out and counter steer and it works fine |
A058 | 1 | A | S |
During the winch launch the canopy is pointing more and more away from the line | |||
1 | As the pilot you are heading for a lockout, counter steer, or release | ||
1 | as the driver on the winch, reduce speed, give the pilot a chance to come back on line | ||
-1 | as the pilot apply more brake, the canopy will then be pulled back by the line in the correct direction | ||
-1 | as the winch driver, speed up to have more tension to get the canopy back on line |
A059 | 1 | A | B |
Taking off from a slope,... | |||
1 | Toggles around 25 percent, at best glide, run into wind | ||
-1 | Toggles around 50 percent, at best sink, run into wind | ||
-1 | Toggles at 80 percent, minimum speed, to avoid having to run so fast | ||
-1 | Hands up, at maximum speed and run fast into wind |
A060 | 1 | A | B |
What is a lock out? | |||
1 | During a winch launch the canopy drifts out of line and faces away from the tow | ||
-1 | when you got a carabiner which is blocked and does not funtion | ||
-1 | When you try to throw your reserve and you can not pull it out | ||
-1 | When you are in a spiral and can not get out of it |
A061 | 1 | A | B |
What is the correct action in a lock out? | |||
1 | The winch driver to slow or cut the line if necessary | ||
1 | The pilot to body steer and apply toggle to counter the driftand turn back on line | ||
-1 | The winch driver to accellerate and pull the tow straight | ||
-1 | The pilot should apply more brake |
A062 | 1 | A | B |
During a winch launch the pilot and canopy drift away from the tow direction | |||
1 | This can become a lock out | ||
1 | If the pilot or winch driver do not react then the canopy will dive into the ground | ||
-1 | No need to worry, the canopy will be pulled straight again | ||
-1 | There is a thermal in the drift direction. Turn more towards it. And take the thermal |
A063 | 1 | A | B |
Angle of attack can be changed in Paragliding | |||
1 | By using speedbar | ||
1 | By applying more or less brake | ||
-1 | By weight shift | ||
-1 | By the team manager in a competition how to fly the set task |
A064 | 1 | A | B |
If the angle of attack increases | |||
1 | The wing flies slower | ||
1 | The wing gets closer to stall point | ||
-1 | The wing flies faster | ||
-1 | The wing is more prone to collapse |
A065 | 1 | A | B |
If you fly into a strong thermal | |||
1 | Your angle of attack will increase | ||
1 | Your wing will fly slower | ||
-1 | Your wing will fly faster | ||
-1 | Your angle of attack will get less |
A066 | 1 | A | B |
What do you call this maneuver and how is it initiated ? | |||
![]() |
1 | Big Ears | ||
1 | Pulling down your outer A lines | ||
-1 | Pulling down your A risers | ||
-1 | Applying speed bar | ||
-1 | Cravatte | ||
-1 | B Line Stall | ||
-1 | Pulling down the B lines | ||
-1 | Asymmetric | ||
http://www.sahpa.co.za/hammer/loresivm.htm |
A067 | 1 | A | B |
Wind in takeoff is straight up, strong and gusty. As you pull up you go up and do not go forward ... | |||
1 | Watch the ground if you penetrate | ||
1 | Use speedbar or big ears to if you go backwards | ||
-1 | Turn, you are in a good thermal | ||
-1 | Fly close to stall to make best use of the lift | ||
-1 | Look up at your canopy to see if you get a collapse | ||
-1 | Throw your reserve, you are in cloudsuck | ||
-1 | Initiate a spiral, you are in cloudsuck | ||
-1 | Do a C Line stall to come down |
A068 | 1 | A | B |
As you takeoff you notice your leg straps have not been closed | |||
1 | Hands up, hold on to your risers or carabiners, do not hold on to your toggles, swing up your legs around your risers, hanging head down in your shoulder straps, and slide back into your harness | ||
-1 | Throw your reserve | ||
-1 | Keep your hands in your toggles, hands down and push yourself into the harness | ||
1 | Grab you risers and hang on to them | ||
-1 | Slide out of your harness and fall down and PLF |
A069 | 1 | A | B |
After taking off you can not get into your harness and you are hanging in your leg straps | |||
1 | Head straight for landing. Your blood circulation can get blocked and you can fade out soon | ||
-1 | This is only a problem if you are a male | ||
-1 | Throw your reserve | ||
1 | If you got good ground clearance, try to swing up your legs and slide back into your harness | ||
-1 | Slide out of your harness and fall down and PLF |
A070 | 1 | A | B |
The horizon shows an orange taint and next you see dust getting kicked up | |||
1 | Indication of an approaching gust front | ||
1 | Get out of the sky now | ||
-1 | Head for the dust, good lift there | ||
-1 | Sign of a low inversion, not much lift there |
A071 | 1 | A | B |
The wind dies and then changes to blow form the opposite direction. And there is thunderstorms around you | |||
1 | A gust front is on its way | ||
1 | Good chance that it will rain soon | ||
-1 | A cold front has passed through | ||
-1 | The trough axis has just crossed |
A072 | 1 | A | B |
entering a strong thermal | |||
1 | Your canopy will surge backwards | ||
-1 | Your canopy will surge forwards | ||
-1 | You run the risk of getting a frontal collapse | ||
-1 | You run the risk of going into a B Line stall |
A073 | 1 | A | B |
Falling out of a thermal | |||
-1 | Your canopy will surge backwards | ||
1 | Your canopy will surge forwards | ||
1 | You run the risk of getting a collapse | ||
-1 | You run the risk of going into a B Line stall |
A074 | 1 | A | B |
When you do a forward launch | |||
1 | You hold your A risers in your hand | ||
1 | You face away from the canopy | ||
-1 | You face towards canopy | ||
1 | You hold your toggles in your hand | ||
-1 | You put one foot on the accellerator | ||
-1 | You put one foot on the speedbar |
A075 | 1 | A | B |
When doing a backward launch | |||
1 | You hold your A risers in your hand | ||
-1 | You face away from the canopy | ||
1 | You face towards canopy | ||
1 | You hold your toggles in your hand | ||
-1 | You put one foot on the accelerator | ||
-1 | You put one foot on the speedbar |
A076 | 1 | A | B |
Weighshift ... | |||
1 | means leaning towards the side that you want to turn | ||
-1 | means leaning back on landing to slow down | ||
-1 | is a situation where your front mounted reserve has shifted, making it more difficult to control your Paraglider | ||
-1 | is a component on a winch to control the tension | ||
-1 | means leaning away from the side that you want to turn |
A077 | 1 | A | B |
While turning in a thermal you also move you body to lean more into the center of the turn | |||
1 | This is called Weightshift | ||
-1 | This is called a PLF | ||
-1 | This is called a stirr-up | ||
-1 | This is called cross bracing |
A078 | 1 | A | S |
To get out of a spiral ... | |||
1 | Gradually release the brake on the inner side and apply some at the outer side | ||
-1 | Gradually release the oouter brake and apply more in the inner side | ||
-1 | Apply both sides 50 percent brake | ||
-1 | Hands up on both toggles |
A079 | 1 | A | S |
What can go wrong when coming out of a spiral | |||
1 | Canopy surges forward, frontal or assymetric collapses | ||
-1 | Nothing | ||
-1 | Canopy can go into B Line stall | ||
-1 | Canopy can go parachutal |
A080 | 1 | A | B |
A horseshoe layout | |||
-1 | should only be used in light conditions | ||
1 | is the usual way your canopy should look like before you takeoff | ||
5 | is only used for forward launch | ||
-1 | is a poor layout which needs to be rectified before takeoff | ||
5 | is only used for reverse launch |
A081 | 1 | A | S |
To initiate a spiral ... | |||
1 | Do it gradually. Step by step. First find the point where you canopy will start the spiral and get out of it immediately | ||
-1 | Yank down one side and have the other toggle full up | ||
1 | Have at least 600 meters AGL and stop 300 meters AGL | ||
-1 | Get the canopy close to parachutal and apply on one side full brake |
A082 | 1 | A | B |
Doing a reverse launch and the right side, from your point of view, of the canopy comes up first ... | |||
1 | apply brake on the side that comes up first | ||
-1 | apply brake on the side that is dragging behind | ||
1 | walk towards the side that is dragging behind | ||
-1 | move towards the side that is coming up first |
A083 | 1 | A | B |
Doing a forward launch and the right side, from your point of view, of the canopy comes up first ... | |||
1 | apply brake on the side that comes up first | ||
-1 | apply brake on the side that is dragging behind | ||
1 | walk towards the side that is dragging behind | ||
-1 | move towards the side that is coming up first |
A084 | 1 | A | B |
The wind is from the left as you are about to pull up ... | |||
1 | expect the right side, lee side, of the canopy to come up first | ||
-1 | expect the left side, luv side, of the canopy to come up first | ||
1 | have the toggle line controlling the wing tip to the right ready to apply brake | ||
-1 | have the toggle that controls the wingtip to the left ready to apply brake |
A085 | 1 | A | B |
For the recommended reverse launch technique | |||
1 | one uses the A in one hand and the D risers in the other hand | ||
-1 | one has each hand holding a set of A risers | ||
1 | one holds the toggles in a way so that you do not have to let them go once you tunr around | ||
-1 | one holds the toggles in a way so that each hand controls the side of the glider in front of it, and let them go once you turn around |
A086 | 1 | A | B |
Which is the correct launch sequence .. | |||
1 | 5 point check - inflate - control and stabilize - accelerate | ||
-1 | inflate - 5 point check - control and stabilize - accelerate | ||
-1 | control and stabilize - 5 point check - inflate - accelerate | ||
-1 | inflate - control and stabilize - 5 point check - accelerate | ||
-1 | accelerate - inflate - control and stabilize - 5 point check |
A087 | 1 | A | B |
What is Windgradient ? | |||
1 | Change in wind speed with altitude | ||
-1 | Change in wind direction with altitude | ||
-1 | Change in air speed with altitude | ||
-1 | Change in ground speed with altitude | ||
-1 | Change in lift and sink as one enters or leaves a thermal |
A088 | 1 | A | B |
Flying with 50 percent toggle into a 7 m/s thermal | |||
1 | your angle of attack will change by 45 degree | ||
1 | your wing will be at stall point | ||
-1 | your angle of attack does not change | ||
1 | hands up, maybe apply speedbar, to keep the wing flying | ||
-1 | apply more brake to prevent a frontal collapse |
A089 | 1 | A | S |
What can go wrong when doing a spiral? | |||
1 | Pilot can fade out and loose cosciousness | ||
-1 | Nothing | ||
1 | Canopy can go into lockout and you can not get out of the spiral | ||
1 | Coming out of the spiral the glider can have a collapse if you do not |
A090 | 1 | A | B |
Which is correct ? | |||
1 | Big ears increases the angle of attack | ||
-1 | Big ears decreases the angle of attack | ||
1 | Speed bar decreases the angle of attack | ||
-1 | Speed bar increases the angle of attack |
A091 | 1 | A | B |
You notice the windsock is hanging or pointing away from you as you are in your final approach | |||
1 | Prepare to flare hard | ||
-1 | make a hook turn | ||
1 | Prepare to run or if necessary, PLF | ||
-1 | Nothing wrong, this is ideal conditions for landing |
A092 | 1 | A | B |
This picture shows | |||
![]() |
1 | A frontal collapse | ||
-1 | An asymmetric | ||
-1 | A B Line stall | ||
-1 | A cravatte | ||
bigearfrontal.avi |
A093 | 1 | A | B |
This picture shows | |||
![]() |
-1 | A frontal collapse | ||
1 | An asymmetric | ||
-1 | A B Line stall | ||
-1 | A cravatte | ||
asym.mpeg |
A094 | 1 | A | B |
Flying into wind ... | |||
1 | Will reduce your glideratio | ||
-1 | Will improve your glideratio | ||
1 | Will reduce the distance you can travel before you have to land | ||
-1 | Will make you fly further |
A095 | 1 | A | B |
Flying with the wind ... | |||
-1 | Will reduce your glide-ratio | ||
1 | Will improve your glide-ratio | ||
-1 | Will reduce the distance you can travel before you have to land | ||
1 | Will make you fly further |
A096 | 1 | A | B |
As you get low and start turning into wind you notice that you drift backwards ... | |||
1 | Apply speedbar, tuck your ears | ||
-1 | turn downwind | ||
1 | prepare for a C line flare and potential PLF | ||
-1 | pull one toggle full down at landing |
A097 | 1 | A | B |
When you apply full speedbar your glider ... | |||
1 | is more prone for a frontal collapse | ||
-1 | is more prone to go into a fullstall | ||
-1 | is more prone to go parachutal | ||
-1 | will be more stable |
A098 | 1 | A | B |
A Vortex of a big plane can impact on you ... | |||
1 | over 20 km away | ||
-1 | not at all | ||
-1 | only close to the ground | ||
-1 | only within the distance of the wing span of the plane | || |
A099 | 1 | A | B |
What is wake turbulence ? | |||
1 | Vortex behind the wing of an aircraft | ||
-1 | turbulence generated by big ocean waves | ||
-1 | turbulence created by wave clouds | ||
-1 | turbulence created by trains or trucks | ||
http://www.nightstop.freeola.com/wake%20turbulence/WAKE%20TURBULENCE1.htm |
A100 | 1 | A | B |
You are low and approaching a power line. Not sure if you will make it over it. | |||
1 | You aim for the pole. If you can not get over the pole land before it. | ||
-1 | You aim for the middle in between 2 poles | ||
-1 | You speed up to fly underneath the lines | ||
-1 | You fly max speed to pull up before any obstacle that you might encounter |
A101 | 1 | A | B |
While landing you notice a fence coming towards you. | |||
1 | Aim for a pole to put your feet on it | ||
-1 | Stall the glider in before the fence | ||
-1 | Speed up and then pull up before the fence | ||
-1 | Make a hook turn 1 meter above the ground |
A102 | 1 | A | B |
For a reverse launch | |||
1 | one can control the glider without letting the toggles go | ||
-1 | one has to let the toggles go | ||
-1 | one clips in the other way compared to a forward launch | ||
-1 | one has to pull the D risers only |
A103 | 1 | A | B |
A Backriser flight | |||
1 | is required for your Basic rating | ||
-1 | is required for your Sport rating | ||
-1 | is required for the Tandem rating | ||
-1 | is not required but nice to know |
A104 | 1 | A | B |
A Backriser flight ... | |||
1 | means using the D risers to steer a paraglider | ||
1 | might be the only way to steer and land when your toggles are blocked | ||
-1 | means when you can not penetrate and land backwards | ||
-1 | means releasing the trim on an advanced glider |
A105 | 1 | A | B |
Trim tabs | |||
1 | can be used to slow down or speed up a wing | ||
-1 | can be used to adjust the seating position | ||
-1 | can be used to open or close some cells of a wing | ||
-1 | are part of the V ribs |
A106 | 1 | A | B |
As a pilot one avoids | |||
1 | CumuloNimbus clouds | ||
-1 | Cumulus clouds | ||
-1 | Altostratus clouds | ||
-1 | Cirrus clouds |
A107 | 1 | A | B |
You have to land in strong wind. So strong that you do not penetrate anymore into wind. | |||
1 | Consider a C riser landing | ||
-1 | land normal and keep the canopy inflated above your head | ||
-1 | land downwind | ||
-1 | land crosswind |
A108 | 1 | A | B |
What can cause your canopy to go parachutal? | |||
1 | porosity | ||
1 | line shrinkage | ||
1 | slow release out of a B Line stall | ||
-1 | pushing your A risers |
A109 | 1 | A | B |
How does one get out of a parchutal stall | |||
1 | using speed bar to accelerate the canopy | ||
1 | pushing your A risers | ||
-1 | pulling full breaks to initiate a full stall | ||
-1 | tucking your ears |
A110 | 1 | A | B |
What are the symptoms to determine if you are in a full stall | |||
1 | no forward speed | ||
1 | no wind in your face | ||
1 | higher sink rate than usual | ||
-1 | very slack toggles |
A111 | 1 | A | B |
Releasing the B risers very slow out of a B-Line stall | |||
1 | can put you into a Parachutal stall | ||
-1 | is the recommended way of doing it | ||
-1 | will put you into a full stall | ||
-1 | will create a frotal collapse |
A112 | 1 | A | B |
Why is it important for a PG pilot to demonstrate a backriser flight | |||
1 | in case he looses a toggle in fligt he can control the glider by using backrisers | ||
1 | in case the toggle lines are blocked by a knot he can use the backrisers to steer | ||
1 | he has to learn and demonstrate it under an instructor supervision | ||
-1 | a backriser flight is the same as a reverse launch | ||
1 | one can land in strong wind using the backrisers to collapse the canopy faster, C risers might be better |
A113 | 1 | A | B |
Why is it dangerous to fly in rain with a Paraglider | |||
1 | the airflow over the wing gets disturbed by the water droplets , increasing the chance of a stall | ||
1 | the canopy starts collecting water and becomes heavier | ||
1 | the water collects in the back of the cells which will make the wing collapse | ||
1 | in case of a wing tuck the wing will not reinflate anymore |
A114 | 1 | A | B |
What is a lockout | |||
1 | a lockout occures at winching when a glider goves off line | ||
-1 | a lockout is a carabiner which has a screw safety to avoid unintentional opening | ||
-1 | a lockout happens when a glider line gets caught in a snap carabiner during a collapse | ||
-1 | a lockout happens when a toggle line is wrapped or caught , or knotted and can not be used |
A115 | 1 | A | B |
On a winch launch | |||
1 | one follows the winch and points the glider towards the winch all the time | ||
-1 | one keeps the glider facing into the main wind direction on tow | ||
-1 | one steers the glider with the A risers | ||
-1 | one has one hand on the release and the other hand controlling the toggles |
A116 | 1 | A | B |
This picture shows a PG canopy | |||
![]() |
1 | with a lot of brake applied. Close to stall. | ||
-1 | with a frontal collapse | ||
-1 | in a B Line stall | ||
-1 | on full speedbar | ||
http://www.dhv.de/typo/Betrachtungen_zum_Sa.1194.0.html |
A117 | 1 | G | B |
Supine flying | |||
1 | reduces drag | ||
1 | makes it more difficult to control a glider when there is a deflation | ||
-1 | is used for landing | ||
-1 | avoids line twisting in a deflation | ||
Skywing 12 2003 |
A118 | 1 | A | B |
You managed to do a good C-riser landing in strong. What do you do next? | |||
1 | walk around the canopy to avoid getting dragged when it reinflates | ||
-1 | unclip and get out of your harness facing into wind | ||
-1 | reinflate the canopy for a clean layout to pack it up | ||
-1 | reinflate the canopy above your head and use the power of the wind to walk you closer to the next road instead of carrying it | ||
skygod/airmanship.html |
A119 | 1 | A | B |
Coming down on a reserve | |||
![]() |
1 | Bring in your wing to avoid having it entangle with the reserve | ||
-1 | Let out the Paraglider wing to have more drag | ||
1 | Feet together, knees bend, muscles spring loaded for a PLF | ||
-1 | Lift your legs to have the back protector take the impact | ||
www.gleitschirm-magazin.de |
A120 | 1 | A | B |
Here we got? And what to do ? | |||
![]() |
1 | A big asymmetric | ||
-1 | A small asymmetric | ||
-1 | A frontal collapse | ||
-1 | A full stall | ||
1 | Apply some brake on the inflated side - keep glider flying straight | ||
-1 | Hands up | ||
-1 | Apply lots of brake | ||
www.dhv.de DHV Info February 2004 |
A121 | 1 | A | B |
What is correct | |||
![]() |
1 | Reverse launch, turn right | ||
-1 | Reverse launch , turn left | ||
-1 | Forward launch, turn right | ||
-1 | Forward launch, turn left | ||
-1 | Forward launch, No turn | ||
-1 | Reverse launch, No turn | ||
http://www.dhv.de/typo/Verkehrt_ausgedreht.1697.0.html |
A122 | 1 | A | B |
What is correct | |||
![]() |
-1 | Reverse launch, turn right | ||
1 | Reverse launch , turn left | ||
-1 | Forward launch, turn right | ||
-1 | Forward launch, turn left | ||
-1 | Forward launch, No turn | ||
-1 | Reverse launch, No turn | ||
http://www.dhv.de/typo/Verkehrt_ausgedreht.1697.0.html |
A123 | 1 | A | B |
What is correct | |||
![]() |
1 | Reverse launch gone wrong, pilot is twisted, maybe use backrisers to control canopy | ||
-1 | A good Reverse launch | ||
-1 | A good Forward launch | ||
-1 | Forward launch gone wrong due to a dusty | ||
-1 | Reverse launch gone wrong, use A risers to fix | ||
-1 | Reverse launch gone wrong, apply maximum brake to stop | ||
http://www.dhv.de/typo/Verkehrt_ausgedreht.1697.0.html |
A124 | 1 | A | B |
Choose the best answer | |||
![]() |
1 | Reverse launch gone wrong, pilot is twisted, uses backrisers to control canopy | ||
-1 | A perfect Reverse launch with pilot clipped in reverse | ||
-1 | A good Forward launch | ||
-1 | Forward launch gone wrong due to a dusty | ||
-1 | Reverse launch gone wrong, pilot uses A risers to fix | ||
-1 | Normal Reverse launch with toggles crossed | ||
http://www.dhv.de/typo/Verkehrt_ausgedreht.1697.0.html |
A125 | 1 | A | B |
Pilot doing a reverse winch launch got the line from the wrong side attached | |||
-1 | One can not attach a winch line the wrong way | ||
1 | The winch driver has to abort immediately | ||
-1 | Pilot simply has turn the other way around to fix this | ||
-1 | One can not do a reverse launch with a winch | ||
Dion+Freddie Dunnottar 13/6/2004 |
A126 | 1 | A | B |
With higher altitude your takeoff run | |||
1 | Has to be faster and will be longer | ||
-1 | Will be the same | ||
-1 | Will be shorter and one uses the same takeoff speed | ||
-1 | has to be slower | ||
http:/www.gs-mag.com/pdf/duenneluft-GS-09-2003.pdf |
A127 | 1 | A | B |
At high altitude your best glide | |||
1 | will be the same | ||
-1 | Will be deteriorate | ||
-1 | Will improve | ||
-1 | depends on the amount of extra kit you wear | ||
http:/www.gs-mag.com/pdf/duenneluft-GS-09-2003.pdf |
A128 | 1 | A | B |
With higher altitude your canopy reactions | |||
1 | will be more dynamic. | ||
-1 | Will be more docile | ||
-1 | will be the same | ||
-1 | will depend on the outside temperature | ||
http:/www.gs-mag.com/pdf/duenneluft-GS-09-2003.pdf |
A129 | 1 | A | B |
At sealevel a Intermediate wing can be flared from trimspeed to 0 within 20 meters . In higher altitude this will be ... | |||
1 | will be more and the landing speed will be higher | ||
-1 | Will be more and the landing speed will be less | ||
-1 | will be the same | ||
-1 | will be shorter and one will come in faster | ||
http:/www.gs-mag.com/pdf/duenneluft-GS-09-2003.pdf |
A130 | 1 | A | B |
Going for a tree landing... | |||
1 | slow down the canopy before impact, but let the canopy overfly you to wrap over the tree and hook on the branches | ||
-1 | do a full stall before impacting with the tree | ||
-1 | flare as usual | ||
-1 | go into the tree with trim speed | ||
http://www.dhv.de/typo/fileadmin/user_upload/monatsordner/2004-06/Ausbildung/Unfallstatistik_2003_GS.pdf DHV-Inf0 128 |
A131 | 1 | A | B |
Having to land in water ... | |||
1 | land with the wind to have the canopy fall in front of you | ||
-1 | land as usual into wind | ||
1 | remove any equipment which is attached to you | ||
1 | undo crossbracing, chestrap, leg straps last. | ||
http://faq.br-offline.de/Sicherheit/ErsteHilfe/article_007 |
A132 | 1 | A | B |
A coastal lady pilot rocks up at a flying site around Johannesburg, which is 1600 m ASL. Her takeoff consists of doing a few steps and then sitting into her harness. And she ends up aborting the takeoff sitting with her bum on the ground. Why does she behave like this ??? | |||
1 | Pilot is used to a lower takeoff speed. With higher altitude the minimum speed of a canopy increases | ||
-1 | Typical example of a coastal trained pilot who was given her licence without getting trained properly. | ||
-1 | Typical reaction of a winch trained pilot who does not know how to run | ||
-1 | Pilot got trained by an instructor who pulled up the canopy for her. Never learned how to run for herself. | ||
Dunnottar Kenton pilot July 2004 |
A133 | 1 | A | B |
A coastal pilot who is used to fly very close to the ground and takes tight turns to stay in the ridgelift band comes to Rustenburg ( 1600m ASL) to ridge soar | |||
1 | His canopy will react more wild due to a higher airspeed when he gets a collapse | ||
-1 | There will be no change in how a canopy reacts in turbulence. This is independent of the altitude | ||
1 | His turn radius will be bigger | ||
-1 | His turn radius will be smaller | ||
DHV Info July 2004 |
A134 | 1 | A | B |
This picture shows a pilot ... | |||
![]() |
1 | what can happen if you do not do a proper preflight check | ||
-1 | shows a pilot in a normal flight | ||
1 | in big trouble | ||
-1 | that has prepared himself for a SAT | ||
Cape Town Red Bull Hungarian Pilot crash |