
1999 Turnpoints ,   NG2004 turnpoints

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Site Details


Facing N, takes NE,N,NW.  Best is NE, when the smell from the paperfactory hits takeoff.

Hang Glider takeoff at the spur with a resident thermal in front of it.

Recovery can become a mission.
One can fly from takeoff towards Barberton in a NW.  One needs at least 700m ATO to make it over the back of takeoff.
Or at least 1000m - 1500m ATO to make it over the escarpement into the Barberton valley.

Check fire index in winter time. If it is red, high , dry, the site might be closed.

SAPPI 2001 Indemnity form in lwp

May 2004

Outstanding issues with Sappi have been resolve and we can again use the site - finally!. Pilots must be aware that the site is extremely sensitive and flouting the rules, by pilots, guests / recovery drivers etc., will result in us loosing the site.

The procedure now is that all persons going up the mountain must sign the indemnity forms provided by Sappi at their security office at the main entrance to the Mill. No site fee is payable. The indemnity must be signed before flying each day. From Jhb, and with the mill on the left hand side, travel past the mill turning in (left) at the main entrance (Sappi Kraft) just before the bridge over the river - the main entrance is situated in the south eastern corner of the complex. Travel through the first gate past clinic on the right and parking on the left, follow the road to the right passing the admin buildings and parking on the right. The main entrance / security office will be directly in front - a couple of hundred metres. They can't get lost.

General rules are as follows:

1. no pilot may access the Sappi land unless such pilot and each of the persons accompanying that pilot have, prior to the first flight on each day that a flight is made, unconditionally signed an indemnity and waiver of claims document obtainable from the security officer at the main access gate to the Sappi Ngodwana pulp and paper mill.

2. no pilot will take-off from, overfly, or land upon, the Sappi land unless he or she holds a current licence issued by SAHPA signifying his or her competence to fly (1) the hang glider or paraglider concerned,

(2) from the site concerned, and (3) in the conditions then prevailing;

3. no pilot will overfly the effluent dam shown on the diagram - available at security;

4. no pilot will land on the asphalt runway next to the N-4 motorway, but may land on the grass alongside such runway if necessary;

5. everyone will adhere to a speed limit of 30 kph around the residential areas at the base of the mountain, and 60 kph elsewhere unless otherwise directed by a road sign;

6. no one will litter or otherwise pollute any part of the Sappi land. All litter shall be removed from the Sappi land or deposited into any litter bin provided for that purpose;

7. no one will smoke a pipe, cigarette or the like whilst upon the Sappi land;

8. no one will make a fire upon the Sappi land. (Transgression hereof may also result in a criminal prosecution.);

9. no one will hunt for, shoot at, kill, capture or attempt to capture, pursue or search for, or wilfully disturb, any game, bird, fish, reptile or other animal upon the Sappi land;

10. no one will remove any plant, flower, tree or other vegetation from the Sappi land or destroy or damage the same, nor collect firewood upon the Sappi land;

11. all applicable rules and regulations of SAHPA and all applicable statutory and common laws and regulations shall be complied with by the pilots, and no one shall use the Sappi land for any illegal or immoral purpose, nor permit any nuisance or hazard thereon;

12. no one will enter the Sappi land whilst under the influence of liquor or drugs or whilst any liquor, drugs, firearm or dangerous weapon is in their possession; and

13. each pilot may be accompanied by no more than two other persons (non-pilots).

I have the signed contract between Sappi and SAHPA and will get it up to you by registered post.

I would also like to acknowledge contributions, to facilitate the reopening of the site, from Soon, Jan-Paul, Egg and the PR ladies at Sappi - Elsabie (Forrest) and Lynne (Kraft). Many thanks.

Please forward to the relevant paragliding lists. I will ask Pete Prukl to include a paragraph or two in the next "Go Fly" also.



Cell: 083 325 2471


 Alternative Sites

Mt Carmel

Takes E, S, W.
Turkey is in fields opposite of Barvale store.
Barvale store renowend for its Ginger beer.
Up to 1 hour drive to takeoff from turkey.  480m high to turkey.
Meet at Barvale store and park your cars.
Check on usage of landing field first with locals.
There is a 4x4 short cut road to the top. Ask local pilots for directions.

Where to stay

Wateval Boven Elandskraal

  Holiday resort.  Or other B+B

Kaapse Hoop

Wild Horse Inn and lots of other  B+B


Hotel, Camping

 Where to eat and drink

  Not much in Ngodwana around the petrol station, Spar and a simple take away BJs.
 The country sports club inside Ngodwana village
 Malaga Hotel

  What else to do

The recreation area, Dam, entry first road to the right when driving from main intersection towards Kaapse Hoop.
 Sudwala Caves
 Kaapse Hoop pizza in the  Green Velvet? Or  the Wild Horse Inn?

or try and fly Barberton, Bambi or Sabie  , Densa, Gods Window